“Sketchbook” Documentation v1.0


Created: 28/03/2012
By: Tomasz Mazur

Table of Contents

  1. Instalation
  2. Video documentation
  3. HTML Structure
  4. PHP Code Explanation
  5. CSS Files and Structure
  6. JavaScript
  7. PSD Files
  8. Sources and Credits

To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. For information in regard to installing the WordPress platform, please see the WordPress Codex - http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress

A) Instalation - top

When you are ready to install a theme, you must first upload the theme files and then activate the theme itself. The theme files can be uploaded in two ways:

Once the theme is uploaded, you need to activate it. Go to Appearance > Themes and activate your chosen theme.

B) Video documentation - top

Sketchbook - Introduction - top

Sketchbook - Theme Options - top

Sketchbook - Shortcode and classes - top

Post Format - Link, Quote, Aside - top

Post Format - Video - top

Post Format - Image and Gallery - top

Widgets - top

Headers and Background Image- top

C) HTML Structure - top

This theme is a fixed layout with two columns. All of the information within the main content area is nested within a div with an id of "grid_11". The sidebar's (column #2) content is within a div with an id of "grid_5". The general template structure is the same throughout the template. Here is the general structure.

HTML Structure

D) PHP Code Explanation - top

Except standard file of template, there are also files which are used to configure in theme and non-standard functions which aggrandize features of template. There is treatment below:

E) CSS Files and Structure - top

This theme has been implemented as a fixed width layout with the 960 Grid System. The full width of the template is 960px. For more information as to how the 960 Grid works, visit the 960 Grid System website.

F) JavaScript - top

This theme imports five Javascript files.

  1. html5.js,
  2. adapt.min.js,
  3. jquery.fancybox,
  4. jquery.flexslider-min.js.
  5. superfish.js

H) Sources and Credits - top

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